Sorry for the slackin'. These were from Monday. Sofia had her Graduate Graduation from NYU at Lincoln Center.

David Blaine is in the bubble in the background. At work, they call my jacket the bus driver jacket. The next day, my boss asked me "You didn't wear you bus driver jacket to graduation did you?" Whoops, sorry Sofia.

All the pictures above were taken before the ceremony.

Later inside.

Sofia and one of her classmates. I forgot her name.


Meanwhile, outside David Blaine is choking.

They had a bad name calling procedure, it took awhile to get to Sofia, but it was worth it.

Rue 57 style.
congrats sofia!
way to go Sofia!! I'm jealous that your robe has wings, mine is just black sans wings. if i wasn't such a Luddite I'd post pictures from the ceremony coming up and we could compare capes.
Masters degrees are more trouble than they're worth. Totally overrated.
. . . congrats little sis.
but don't think for a SECOND that just cuz you're married, employed and have a masters that you're better than me.
. . . if you had married money then I'd be impressed. Marrying a skater only gets you honorable mention.
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