
Aaarrrrggggghhhhh!!!! The Update Part 3

Ralph finally showed up and tried his best to do something. That may have been too much to ask.

He got all the water off the roof and the drips lessened.



Anonymous said...

i used to live in a place like that.

only it was a boat.

and it was sinking.

Sofia said...

Looking good. looking good. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

looks like you have a little art project going on.

Anonymous said...

how did the sinking boat of an art project go?

Anonymous said...

BTW as a tennant you can take all the days your apartment has been un-useable/in-habitable, come up with that fraction of the monthly rent and withhold it. or make the neccessary repairs (if the landlord is slow) and withhold that $$ from the rent. the latter is usually the preferred course, while the former approach is used only in more extreme circumstances. also check lease conditions and local listings if your jurisdiction has more "tennant-friendly" options (a real possibility in NYC).