
A Bloody Mess

I just got the latest CCS catalog. Some of you old schoolers will remember that CCS used to stand for California Cheap Skates. Anyway, the latest offering from Vans and Geoff are up for grabs:

I am happy to present you with the Rowley Squares. Sofia, take note.

Mr. Rowley has done it again. From what I can tell, they look like a good shoe, fashion and function.

But the odd thing is that no other place on the internet has these. The Vans site doesn't even have them up yet. I think CCS unveiled them too early.

This is what this blog has come to, Geoff and shoe news. Sorry.

1 comment:

kyledb said...

Project Runway, Skater Edition. I think you could market that one. Seriously, is this what you do with your time - examining the intracacies of a new shoe? you sound like tangy, or sam, or whatever he's calling himself nowadays....only you have more "edge."