This is happening again.

The snow was great news, but the funniest news bit I saw today was about Ruth Bader Ginsberg sleeping during testimony at the Supreme Court. Classic.
That reminds me of the times I would sleep during class. Come on, we all did. The most memorable time was during American Lit in the 11th grade. Mr. Bodenmiller was the teacher, known for his wry humor and his Keillor-esque stories of childhood Michigan. Well, there I was, taking a nice little snooze, head down on my book, and Bodenmiller commented loudly, "Now Mr. Chamberlain is giving us all a demonstration on how to read through your ear." Laughs wrung out and I sat up to finish my Starburst.
All this to say...I'm feeling you Ruth.
you shouldn't feel anyone but me
. . . my junior year in high-school i had english class first period. that year i was swimming a whole lot and we were usually in the water by about 5:30 or so . . . needless to say i slept the majority of first period. years later people would mention books and say to me "yeah, we read that in 11th grade don't you remember?" and of course the answer would be "not in the least" . . .
. . . junior year english, the supreme court, what's the difference!? i think i'll take a nap right now . . .
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