Ban's off, Ernest is back and he might even have a job. Just look at him: tie, haircut, Fortune magazine...the picture of success.

You know the deal:
-Meet up in the village
-Dove for pre dinner beverages
-Dinner at the Hummus Place (Hummus for dinner...really just an exaggerated snack)
-Soho House for post dinner beverages

The conversation pretty much revolved around the news biz and politics. We are so old.

Ernest and Anthony did most of the talking. I wanted to talk about skateboarding, but no one was interested. Sofia kept trying to convince us all to train for a triathalon, which of course is a ludicrous suggestion.

Ernest thinks Hillary Clinton is a shoe in for the Democratic nomination, but will never get elected. Anthony agreed. I don't. I think it's going to be Bill Richardson from New Mexico. Chris is backing Biden, fat chance.
For the Republicans, E and A figure it's going to be McCain. Again, not me. Frist will be nominated.
Bill Richardson will win (hahahaha, even I can't help laughing at my pick). It ain't happening.

I convinced Anthony to do a Car Bomb with me. We really brought down the level of the joint. I don't think we will ever be invited back.

Waiting for the F, it's a lifestyle.

Sofia Amarillo

I was doing an Irish jig here, but it's hard to tell.
sorry Stew, we could of talked about TV but you don't watch 24, have only just started watching Arrested Development (finally) and you're the only guy over 22 I know who watches Gilmore Girls.
Proud of it kid.
Stewie Amigo- Your right about our Gov. Richardson throwing his hat into the 08' Presidential race. His residence is only about two-blocks from my house here in Santa Fe & he is constantly playing host to several "Big Players" in the political game. I like the guy personally and he has served our state well, but, I also agree w/ you that he just doesn't have the nationwide recognition to be a solid candidate. Take Care-Cody
I'm following a post by the Codester; this must be a sign of the apocalypse.
Anyway, you guys keep blabbing on about Hillary, just wait, if Biden has the $$$$(a big if) he'll a force to reckon with once the primaries and debates start. one more thing, Fidel called and said he wanted his cap back. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!
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