Breakfast at Charlie's. Get it whenever yr in Boston.

Whilst Sofia slept off her breakfast, Steve and I mailed some stuff.

It was a crusty day.

Later we went to the Publick House. There was a line to sit and eat when we walked in. To pass the time I went to the bar to order a couple brewskies. Now this next part won't be a surprise if you've seen my drivers license.
Me: Uhhh, Brooklyn Pilsner and a Smuttynose IPA. Thanks.
Bartend 1: Ok, I need to see yr ID and the ID of the other person drinking.
Me: Alright.....here you go.
Bartend 1: Hmmmmm.
Me: A renewal sticker is on the back.
Bartend 1: Hmmmmm.
Me: I was 15 then.
Bartend 1: Hey Joe, take a look at this.
Bartend 2: Nope, that ain't gonna fly here.
Ughhhh. It's true, my ID sucks, but they didn't have to be jerks about it. Luckily the server for our table didn't card us. Great system.

This is the best. If you ever see it, get it.

We met Rahul and Tessa later. Oh and before we met up with them another bar denied my ID.

Fed up with Stew's antics.

Hey Javier, check this out.

Deluxe don't ID, my kind of place.

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