I took Chris, a fellow beeradvocate, on a pilgrimage to Bierkraft, a sacred Brooklyn Beer Site.

Later that night we also hit up Great Lakes, where to my great surprise they had Plymouth Gin.

So we had martinis.


Friday-Cafe Steinhof.

We had a pretty big crew all showing up at different times.

Christy and Jim, like everyone are getting married.

Sofia just socked me in the jaw.

Pops and Laurie. We'll see.

Kyle looks creepy.

As usual, chilling.

Da Mistas light.

Champagne, Turntables, Bodyguards, Clothing=Club Saks 5th Ave.

Now over to Sofia with latest news headlines.


Chris got in there and showed em how it's done. You should have seen the commoners amazement. They must have thought he was Roddick.

This guy ruled.

Burgers thatta way.

CHRISSSS! No not you, one of the other ten Chris's.

We left our mark, well Matt's mark, at the Burger Joint. By the way, that place is great. I don't want to get too in depth, but it's this tasty burger place. It's cheap and it's in a very swank hotel. Whenever I am uptown, I'm eating there. The burgers are better than Corner Bistro.

Eazy Steezy E.

Dove Saturday.

Pops is gettin huggy.


Back in Park Slope, Chris and I continued at the Gate. And then Grecian Corner.

Sorry Sofia.
it is nice to see that my name is getting out there. i can't believe you have that business card. i quit working there almost two years ago!
u should of snapped a picture of that no talent ass-clown from Sugar Ray we saw. other than that, good recap; it's nice to see some visuals of all those bar tabs.
Well Matt I havent seen you in two years. Get married already and we'll see you.
Chris, those last two pictures made me start my purity week. 5 days and counting.
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