This is the day we went biking in Munich. Hmmm, where is Javier?

Los Machucas.

Ludwig building.

Ludwig building II. Are you starting to see how Munich stole all their architecture?

Fountain at the university.
(This is shaping up to be quite a post, huh?)

Oh look, another fountain. I know more info about all these sights, but I just can't remember right now.

OK, here's a little excitement. See those people on the right, down by the river. They're naked.

One of the original city gates, part of a greater city wall that is no longer around.

Old (some not really old, but rebuilt after the war) Munich buildings.

I wish our church had this kind of art. Machuca style.

I hate Ashton Kutcher.

These lions are all around the city. I think this is the worst one. Nice butt though.

Tere walked through the fountain.
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