Licensed and ready to fish, we set off early. We made a few wagers: biggest fish, most fish. Javier and I were in one boat with our captain George. El Suegro, Sofia and Leti were with Cliff.

Sofia was all smiles in the morning, confident in her skills and knowing my defeat was at hand.

Heading out, there was much fog. I think this is one of my better photos.


It cleared up and the birds came out to see us. I think one of them pooed on George.

Coming back Javier was happy because he caught three Red Fish (the max allowed). He was also fairly certain he had the largest fish (25").

I may not look like it, but I was happy too. I also caught my three fish.

Gangsta style fishing. The trout in the middle was caught by George.

Hmm, funny. They don't look quite as excited as us.

Oh, probably because they only caught one fish. Nice one Sofia.
Thanks to "The Dad" for taking us. It was a lot of fun.

After our excursion we ate at Blackbeards, leaving us fat and sleepy for the ride back inland.
No bets have been paid.