Pic: Linus Gelber
Gaffel Kölsch
by Privatbrauerei Gaffel Becker & Co.
Style: Kölsch
ABV: 4.8%
Sorry for doing two German beers in a row. This beer is extremely thirst quenching and very drinkable. I had this beer last night whilst celebrating Ernest's b-day at Cafe Steinhof. This beer is easy to find so get out there and get some.
Info about the Kölsch style (from Beeradvocate.com):
First only brewed in Köln, Germany, now many American brewpubs and a hand full of breweries have created their own version of this obscure style. Light to medium in body with a very pale color, hop bitterness is medium to slightly assertive. A somewhat vinous (grape-y from malts) and dry flavor make up the rest.