Today I am a very proud husband. Last night was Sofia's first shift as a Squad Leader at the Park Slope Food Coop. Well actually she was just filling in, she is a Co-Squad Leader and our usual leader was out for Yom Kippur. But I am still pretty proud. You should have seen her pushing people around; it was great. She even tried to cop an attitude with me, but I squelched that.
In other Food Coop news, there was almost a fight in the produce section last night. I know, I wouldn’t believe it either, but I saw it with my own two eyes. It was very exciting. I was minding my own business, stocking corn when all of a sudden I hear the sounds of shuffling sneakers behind me. Then the shouts. Luckily one of the guys’ girlfriends jumped in the middle and settled things down. They just about knocked over a beautiful display of tomatoes. Jerks.
1 comment:
congratulations sof!!! i knew that NYU master's would come in handy sooner or later . . . ; )
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