Drummer boy.

Dog boy.

And this is the post from ABG:
Saturday was Middelton Brewing's grand opening party. We went. We drank beers. We drove back. But we will return for sure.

We stopped at the Barber Shop first for a couple pints of their Mullet Mild. Solid stuff. Get out there soon. Such a good bar. You can order a pizza too. We had the Farmer John.

Then we booked it down to Wimberley, for Middleton's grand opening party. Just head south on 12 from Dripping Springs. Go through downtown Wimberley and you are there. You can't miss it.

Midway through the party this is what they had on offer (house-beer-wise). Impressive!

And the beer was good. Really good. This is the Opal (see above). Standouts were the Garnet, Black Lab Porter and the Imperial Red (BOBCAT). Whose sippy cup?
Middleton had a great turnout. I think—it seemed busy. Judging by the furry pack of canines roaming the bar, I am assuming they are dog friendly (if that matters to you). So grab yr kin, grab yr mutts and zip down to Wimberley. Dennis, brewer/owner, said next week's beer list will look totally different. He knows how to spark the interest of a beer nerd.