
Blizzard Part One

8:30 am: I am too excited to sleep. Let's wake up and check out the snow.

View from the window. Let's go somewhere.

9:30 am: A blizzard, hmm, kind of limits our choices of places to go. I know, the beach. Let's go to the beach. Perfect.

Coney Island, here we come!

10:15 am: We are the first ones here.

You think the Cyclone is going to run today. This is the saddest I have ever seen Coney Island, but it was a lot of fun.

Brighton Beach Tundra.

Beach snow angels.

Looks inviting, Sofia was this close to getting in.

Fat boys for life!!

11:00 am: What were we thinking, let's get the heck out of here.


11:45 am: Those are our tracks, no one has left. People are sane.


Anonymous said...

Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton would be proud your arduauos journey as are the loyal readers of TWS.

Anonymous said...

I so want high-res versions of the subway steps and the cemetary...please, please, please! They're beautiful. You know me: always the designer. Keep toasty! --Rachel C.