
Saturday is my third favorite day.

This Sat. Sofia had a mission.

We went all over the city looking for shoes. It was no big deal, but I hate when I'm in, say Macy's, and other dudes are looking at me kind of giving me the "Yeah, I know man, we're the same. Our girls are dragging us around and we have to shop with them." These portly, sullen characters are not like me. I wish they wouldn't look at me like that. I'm not bored. Sure, shoe shopping is not high on my list of Saturday activities, but I know how to entertain myself. I've had a lot of experience as a youngster shopping with women. I grew up with three women, I know what to do in these types of situations. Anyway, the reason there is no picture of Sofia shopping is because she was so upset after finding no suitable shoes. Sorry Sofia.

Sofia bought us lunch. I bought us dinner. Since I was buying I was picking the restaurant. My choice: Cafe Steinhof. MMMMM!!

We tore up some mussels. We always saw people ordering these, but we never had. I felt we should splurge and it was worth it. They were sick. And I mean sick the way extreme athletes use it, which is more meaningful, I think.

They also had a new black beer. It was good too.

This blog is going down hill. Is it boring? We don't care, just look at us.


Anonymous said...

i definitely agree with what you said about the shopping thing. i had to go through the same exact thing two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

. . . Stewie & Sof. I appreciate your concern for whether we are bored or not. I wouldn't say that any of your audience is bored, per se. However, as myself and many of your readers know, this venue hasn't been site of your most avant garde material (i.e. TWS or DTWS). Although I realize that maybe you just want to keep it light on these pages, perhaps every now and again you could pitch your loyal fans some of your more cutting edge stuff, y'know, go off on a tirade about how sof is getting all deconstructionist on you and how that's been making her cooking worse . . . i dunno, y'know? and maybe a picture of your bathtub to back it up. i guess i'd just like to remind you both that the sky's the limit here baby, show us your pullitzer side . . .

Anonymous said...

i want steinhoff.

as long as the pictures are pretty and I show up every week or so I'll keep coming to the blog.

Anonymous said...

so are you saying that the blog should be retitled as: "Sofia, El Machuca y Fantasma de Baile"(ghost dancer)?

Anonymous said...

It's not boring.. lovely photo of the beer...

Machuca said...

Neptune, who is that?

Anonymous said...

look at this last picture...aaron should NOT be on a diet...eat boy!