
The good times are killin' me

Today was another beautiful day. After work Sofia went running and I went skating. I landed a new trick (fakie variel flip), but it did not come easy. A lot of skaters have this natural talent and tricks come super easy. And then there are skaters like me, who grind it out. I have no natural ability, but will try something until my foot breaks off. That's what I did today. I gave myself incentive: Land this trick and Sofia will buy you a beer at The Gate. After about 30 tries I finally landed it and cursed the asphalt.

Reaping the rewards:


El Machuca


Sofia said...

Aaron proceeded to lose his wallet somewhere between the house and The Gate.

Anonymous said...

well done aaron. the fakie varial flip is one of those tricks that eludes even me sometimes . . . dude, i forgot to tell you! there's a sick little community park right by my house . . . it's kinda chafa but has all the essentials . . .