
Euro Beer #8 - Dog and Duck Pub

In the fall of 2007 my wife and I traveled through Europe for 10 weeks. We ate a lot of food and drank of a lot of beer (and wine). Not enough food, not enough beer. In London:

Euro Beer #8 - Dog and Duck Pub

We skipped trying to get fish and chips in Dublin, thinking they might be better in London. To find a a decent, yet reasonable joint we searched guidebooks at a Virginesque media store. Dog and Duck is what we came up with. We shared a large fish and chips (it was still early in our trip = still being cheap). Delicious. Much better than anywhere in the US, except for maybe what you could sometimes get at Chip Shop in Brooklyn.

Two pints as well – Fuller’s London Pride and Landlord Ale (Timothy Taylor). Both pleasing.

For more euro foodage and drinkage, go here.

Dog and Duck Pub
18 Bateman Street London

The British Museum

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